Мініскульптурка "Київський фонтан"
Мініскульптурка "Київський фонтан"
The first fountain of the series was set up in the early 1870s on Tsar's Square (now European Square). Later, according to this model, the casting of 1899 - 1901 was six more. The design of the fountain bowl was created by architect Alexander Shile. The shape of the Fountains resembles a flower. Around the "flower" is the head of lions, from which the water flows. Masks of Lions are reminiscent of human faces. Those who wish could pay water for their needs, bring cattle to water. Drinking from the fountain could anyone willing for free. Not all fountains have survived until our times. In 1910, with the development of the streets, a fountain was removed from the square of Leo Tolstoy. The fountain was removed from the European square. The Fountain from Sofia Square was moved to Oles Honchar Street. LEGEND: "You will drop a coin - you will return to Kyiv".