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                  Музей мрій
                  Музей мрій
                  +380 (44) 531-97-27
                  +380 (93) 473-78-67
                  Objectives of the museum: 1. Creation of a permanent exhibition dedicated to the phenomenon of dreams; 2. Implementation of interdisciplinary projects in the field of visual arts, music and non-formal education. W ho morning when I sleep? Where do my dreams come from? Why do I see what I have never actually seen? We created the Dream Museum to answer these questions as well as give a little places to contemplate and speculate about what is happening in our dreams. There are no exhibition windows in the museum, so it's hard to stay in the role of the spectator. Here, everyone is both an exhibit and a researcher of their own unconscious - dreams, fantasies, mechanisms that intertwine the images we encounter when we sleep. Those who are ready will be able to discover the features and peculiarities of their own consciousness - personal taboos, stereotypes, traumas and shocks - all that makes up our personal, subjective history.