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                  Меджибіжський замок
                  Меджибіжський замок
                  +380 (3857) 9-71-30
                  City and castle, placed on connection year Sonth Bug and Buzhok (that between Bugami, from where and the name – Medzhibozh), as historians of settlement assert in this locality, on crossing of trade-routes, existed at least with XII of age. Quite a bit Tatar raids XV and XVI ages ingloriously completed near the sthenes of medzhi-bozhskoy stronghold. The walls of lock outlived all wars which swept these earths successfully.One time in a year for-among the sthenes of ancient Medzhibozha it is again possible to hear the sing of arrows and ringing of swords is passes a festival basis of which is knight's tournaments, that knight's clubs go down from all Ukraine.