Пам'ятник архітектури "Храм Вознесіння Господнього (на Печерську, Афганський)"
Пам'ятник архітектури "Храм Вознесіння Господнього (на Печерську, Афганський)"
+380 (44) 280-20-28

Monument arch. end 17. The former trading area Crypt town at first was a wooden church with a belfry. Stone structure was erected at the expense of Colonel K. Mokievkogo. Prior to 1756 belonged to Laura. In the second. floor. 19. was significantly altered not only the appearance of the church, but the entire estate. In Soviet times, transferred Renovationist community, then closed. In the 1930's was used as an archival space. Came under artillery bombardment in 1918 and in the period 1941-43. In 1954, overhauled, and in the years 1978-81. - Restoration. In our time, known as "Afghan". In 1991 the church was handed over to the UOC community consisting of families of the victims and veterans of the war in Afghanistan, hence the name "Afghan". In a park near the church in 1994, a monument to soldiers in Afghanistan. In 1999, he renovated.