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                  Пам"ятник археологічний "Городище стародавнього міста Чучин"
                  Пам"ятник археологічний "Городище стародавнього міста Чучин"
                  In princely times, there was the fortress that controlled the neighborhood and port on the Dnieper. Retained shafts to 4 m tall, conducted a partial reconstruction, a monument Bojana - author of "A Word about Igor regiment. The entire central part of the settlement virtually abolished with the erection of a memorial "Bukrynskyy springboard, rolls are designed plates with names of dead and only one only modest plaque proclaims that once stood here Chuchyn Old Ruthenian. City held high (about 70 m above the Dnipro) dvostupinchate plateau. The upper stage of the plateau was located mainly fortified Settlement (Detinets), at lower levels who would like opoyasuvav upper plateau mainly from the west and south, a bypass disposed degrees. And the main town, and Castle roundabout were surrounded by ramparts. There Chuchyna Zarubyntsi discovered monuments of culture (second century BC - second century AD). This demonstrates the strategic importance Chuchyna as one of the largest cities in the Dnieper.