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Братський монастир
Братський монастир
Fraternal monastery, also known as Epiphany monastery was in 1615 is based. Has the monastery between the streets Gregory Pans, Illinska, walnuts and Kontractova area. The ensemble Fraternal monastery served Theophany Cathedral, which, in fact, given her to name monastery. Epiphany Cathedral was built in the years 1690-93 by architect D. Startsev in the Ukrainian Baroque style. The interiors of the cathedral was painted by Ukrainian artist Ivan Kwiatkowski Dzh.B.Skotti and Italian artists. The iconostasis of the cathedral was built by architect drawings AI Melenskiy in 1825. Unfortunately, to this day not dostoyav cathedral. Adjoined to the Monastery of two-storey building of the Kiev Theological Academy, built in 1703 probably also designed by AD Startsev. The ensemble also included the monastery and other buildings. In the middle of the courtyard stood a sundial XVIII century. In Epiphany monastery buried hetman Petro-Konashevych Sahaydachny, Ukrainian scientist and traveler V.H.Hryhorovych-Bar. Unfortunately, there Fraternal ensemble of the monastery destroyed. In place of the former bell tower and its two wings, annexes built the main building of Kyiv Mohyla Academy.