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Аджигольський гіперболоїдних маяк
Аджигольський гіперболоїдних маяк
Adzhigolsky lighthouse near the village of Rybalche - a unique hyperboloid design, created in 1911 by the engineer and scientist Vladimir Shukhov, author Shabolovskaya TV tower in Moscow. The lighthouse is located on an artificial island near Cape Adzhigol on the Dnipro estuary. Is a vertical metal mesh design height of 70 m, made in the form of a hyperboloid of rotation. This is the highest lighthouse of traditional design in Ukraine and the 16 th tallest in the world. To the observation deck Adzhigolskogo lighthouse, which offers a vast panorama of the estuary, you can climb the spiral staircase inside a metal tube (officially tours are not conducted). Nearby is another lighthouse Shukhov smaller.