Біосферний заповідник "Асканія-Нова"
Біосферний заповідник "Асканія-Нова"
+380 (5538) 6-12-86

Biosphere Reserve Askania Nova - the oldest reserve complex of Ukraine. Founded in concentration. XIX century. Friedrich-Pfalz Fein as a special reserve "Chapple" on 500 acres of land. It is stored in its original form a large portion of virgin steppe feather grass-fescue - Big Chapelsky Pod area, where found free herds of wild animals. In conditions close to nature, you can see 250 species of mammals and birds from all continents. In particular, it was saved from extinction Przewalski horse. The pride of the reserve is considered to be an African eland, which managed to tame. Beautiful steppe during flowering feather in late spring. The complex includes a zoo (1886) with sections kilegrudyh birds, ostriches and their prey, and arboretum with artificial lakes (1885), for arychnuyu irrigation system which Pfalz-Fein won a gold medal at an exhibition in Paris. On the territory of Meeting on 14 Polovtsian stone statues (XI-XII centuries).. Restored manor Pfalz-Fein. On request arrange guided photo safari in the paddock Big Chapelskogo by minibus or horse-drawn carriages (from May to September, only in dry weather).