Чорноморський біосферний заповідник
Чорноморський біосферний заповідник
+380 (5539) 2-64-71
+380 (5539) 2-65-00

Black Sea Biosphere Reserve is located on the northern Black Sea coast and islands in Tendrovsky Yagorlytskom and bays of the Black Sea. The reserve is one of the largest in Ukraine. The territory of the reserve consists of several sections which represent different landscapes of the seaside southern Ukraine. The main purpose of the reserve is to protect wintering breeding and migratory birds, as well as the unique complex of sand arenas and desert steppes. Includes some scattered areas of saltmarsh and sandy steppe, oak, birch, aspen and black alder groves, spit, salt and freshwater lakes, the bay. Included in the reserve sea islands tarred, Orlov, Babi is the world's largest black-nesting gulls. The modern area of the reserve is 100,000 hectares, of which 77 thousand 900 hectares - a water area Tendrovsky Yagorlitskogo and bays, as well as the kilometer long stretch of the high seas, 14000 148 ha - land part.