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Місто Іллінці
Місто Іллінці
Title: Illintsi City Status: The administrative center Illintsi area. Location: Located on the River Sib, 60 km. east of Vynnitsia. Population: 11,000 thousand people Area: 10.87 square meters. km. Waterways: River Sib Founded: 1440 Historical note: Lintsi was first mentioned in documents in the 15 century. When the Polish king Kasymyr IV gave it to his nobleman Menk as a reward for military exploits. During the Liberation War was already mentioned as Illintsi. Among them were B. Khmelnitskyi, I. Bogun, I. sirko. Who owned the estate of Princess Demydova-San Donato in the late 19 century. Holy Resurrection Cathedral, and built a sugar factory. During the Nazi occupation were shot 2,5 thousand people, mostly Jews. Liberated the city in March 1944. His release was attended by two guerrillas guerrilla brigade. Since 1986, the city district level. The city has developed social sphere. Sightseeing: Resurrection Cathedral, Our Lady Church.