Свято-Введенський жіночий монастир Ніжинської єпархії Української Православної Церкви
Свято-Введенський жіночий монастир Ніжинської єпархії Української Православної Церкви
Vvedensky convent located in the southwest Nezhin. Previously, it was a suburb. "When and by whom it was founded - there is no information as to the presence there of the Gospel, printed in Lviv in 1678, one can see that it exists more than one hundred years." So wrote about the monastery in 1786 A. Shafonsky. Author description Chernigov diocese Filaret (Gumilevsky) wrote that Nijinsky nunnery founded by Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich "the widow of Colonel Starodubskii Brislavskoy Anna" (according to some sources, died in schema named Eudoxia), but where to get this information is not explained. Architectural monument of the XVII century, Vvedensky convent in 1936, was reorganized as a hospital for the wounded, and in 1941 - is closed. Holy place has become a dumping ground. After many years of neglect in 1998, the newly opened Vvedensky convent, and that's really revived the beautiful temple, which has its shrine. One of them - the Tolga Icon of the Mother of God, is the oldest version of the image of "Tenderness". The depth of spiritual content and skill of painting gives the right to refer this very icon of the masterpieces of the XIV century. Vvedenskaya and Elijah church of the monastery belongs to the oldest building in the city - they were built in 17 century.