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Пам'ятник архітектури Палац Румянцева-Задунайського
Пам'ятник архітектури Палац Румянцева-Задунайського
+380 (4656) 2-17-95
Palace in the oriental style with gothic elements built in the XVIII century. famous military leader, Field Marshal, President of Little Russian Collegium Count Rumyantsev Transdanubia. Situated on a hill above the pond building, vaguely reminiscent of medieval castles, in perfect harmony with the landscape. It is assumed that the designer could be arch. J. Quarenghi or Russian architect Vasily Bazhenov. Retired Field Marshal created within their estates are a complex of palaces and places of entertainment. Here he took Catherine II during her trip to the Crimea. Part of the palace was demolished in the XIX century. by order of the landowner who settled here Sudienko. In Soviet times, on the estate have placed summer camp. Now it is a children's recreation camp "Constellation." Planned restoration.