Усадьба Ефима Драгана
Усадьба Ефима Драгана

On the outskirts of Kozeltsev, within the former village Pokorschina, preserved mansion of Colonel Yefim Daragan, Vera's husband Razumovskaya. Or rather what was left of the estate: an abandoned wooden outhouse, shining empty without shuttered windows, a cluttered closet and poor park Kamenica - that's the whole estate. Just think, back in 1975 there were shooting the Soviet film "Star of Captivating Happiness" (about the Decembrists). Unique structure is a manor Daraganov Kamenica. Built in the middle of the XVIII century, this building served as both a business and fortification functions. At one time there was an arsenal Daraganov, then the cellar. In Soviet times, Kamenica turned into a typical collective farm storehouse, but now it is empty and slowly destroyed.