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Пам'ятник Воїнам 152-ї стрілецької дивізії
Пам'ятник Воїнам 152-ї стрілецької дивізії
In January 1942 the division was renamed the 152 Infantry Division. The group consisted of 17 soldiers of different nationalities. The division consists of 11 730 people. Since February 1943 was fighting in eastern Ukraine. In autumn 1943 led fierce fighting near Dnepropetrovsk, came out on the left bank of the Dnieper and the two-day battle to defeat the enemy in Podgorodnoe and Nizhnedneprovsk. From 21 to October 24, 1943 Division goes on the offensive, forcing the Dnieper, October 25, was released Dnepropetrovsk. The division has participated in many of the operations to liberate the country from the Nazis.