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                  Костел Матері Божої Фатимської
                  Костел Матері Божої Фатимської
                  In the second half of XVIII century Krysovychah appeared castle, which built the then owner of the village of Adam Mnishek. At the castle appeared and Castle chapel which was consecrated in 1780 Archbishop of Lviv Vaclav Serakovskyy. One hundred years later the chapel were added to the palace. During the war, Russian forces damaged the palace, but the chapel remained not affected. Palace burned in 1939, and in 50 years of the twentieth century, its ruins were demolished by building of building material building farm. Prior to World War II, the chateau chapel took care of the Redemptorist Fathers of the Church of St. Catherine of Mostyska. The chapel was the main altar with the image of Christ crucified. Until now preserved frescoes in the chapel, the author of which, presumably, was the famous Lviv artist Stanislav Stroyinskyy. In Soviet times inside the chapel staff staged a collective farm. Returned to the sanctuary of Roman Catholic community in 1990. Over the next 5 years and restored the chapel were added to her room, transforming it into a temple. Work on the restoration of the temple were carried out under the project of Lviv artist Valerie Bortyakova. In October 1995 the rebuilt sanctuary was consecrated under the title of Our Lady of Fatima, and in October 1997 the church declared the shrine of Our Lady of Fatima.