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Луганський природний заповідник
Луганський природний заповідник
Lugansk reserve was created in November 1968 for the preservation of endangered species. Lugansk reserve consists of four divisions: Stanichno-Lugansk - 498 ha, Streltsovskoye steppe - 1035 m, steppe Proval'skaya - 575 m, steppe Trehizbenskaya - 3281 ha. In Lugansk Natural Reserve Protection to be 15 species of plants listed in the European Red List, 41 species included in Red Data Book of Ukraine and 4 species that remain under the Berne Convention. The reserve was established to preserve the natural state of typical and unique of the steppe landscape zone of natural systems (virgin steppe, forest, meadow and meadow-marsh vegetation Seversky Donets River floodplain) and some species of animals (European marmot and muskrat) in the natural environment of their habitat . Now the Reserve is managed by the Donetsk Botanical Garden of Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, which provides adequate protection and conducting its vast variety of scientific research.